* Processing and taking charge of weekly payments and purchases. * You will also be a part of my household and a helping hand to get free credit score Illinois issues as they arise. Any extra personal expenses (transport, gas, etc) incurred by you while on an errand or otherwise will also be reimbursed by me at the end of each working week. This position is very flexible and it is difficult judging the exact number of hours you will be doing, just bear it in mind that there will be busier weeks than others with a steady pay. Working with me is basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that I may come at you impromptu sometimes, so I need someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timings. There is also a very sensitive issue on trust, dedication and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on. This is only an introductory e-mail, as time goes on we should be able to arrange a proper meeting to get things started officially. I'm currently in England now for a project, however, I do have a number of things you could help me with immediately, prior to my arrival. Due to the excessive number of responses to my Ad, do provide the following details about yourself for my personal record update and to filter applicants; I hope you can be available for me immediately before I arrive, it certainly can act as a stable foundation to our impending working get free credit score Illinois relationship. free credit report online instantly From: Janet Cole [mailto:cole.janet8@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:get free credit score Illinois 34 PM Subject: Information Received!!! Hope you are having a pleasant day today.I received your e-mail and it was a pleasure hearing back from you.
I hope this marks the beginning of a good working relationship all together. From the details you have sent to me, get free credit score Illinois I would want to give you the opportunity to be my new assistant; I do hope my decision will be worthwhile. I'll be using the next couple of weeks to test your efficiency and diligence towards this, also to work out your time schedule and fit it to mine. I really need to find the perfect person for this job, I'm confident you can take up the challenge and on the long run we should have a relatively sound working relationship between us. credit history report free I'd want us to meet up on Yahoo chat as soon as possible so we can discuss extensively, more so it'get free credit score Illinois s easier for me to convey more information when I'm online. My Yahoo ID is janet.cole39, do send me a friend's request as soon as you are able to. Due to the time difference, It may be a little difficult working out the exact time to meet you online but with get free credit score Illinois time however, we should get used to get free credit score Illinois it. I'm online most of the time when I'm not out or in a meeting so we should be able to have a chat sooner than you think. Do try to keep a date.I hope we can get a head start with things as get free credit score Illinois soon as possible. I have had to put a hold on a lot and I would appreciate it if you can be available for me immediately. I get free credit score Illinois do have a couple of urgent tasks for you which will include you making some purchases and payments on my behalf.
You will receive a payment check and some money orders via mail which will also cover your wage for get free credit score Illinois the week as well as all other purchases and payments needed to be made on my behalf. check my credit report I will update you further on this giving you a comprehensive list on how to go about them. My daughter also has a birthday coming up in 2 weeks, I have a surprise party planned for her so you will also be working hand in hand with the planner in organizing gifts and anything else for the party.
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